Posted: 26 Feb 2025

Commerce and society can jointly prosper, when conducive environments are created for the co-existence, development and growth of a community. The demands upon the Council, for the provision of land for both residential and business enterprise in the immediate future; placed a daunting task upon the leadership considering the unique typography of the town, in addition to the challenge set by the Southern Corridor Development Initiative; that aims at producing large-scale low-cost renewable energy with Lüderitz as its strategic hub. Council has proactively conceptualized to implement an infill and densification strategy to respond to these demands, through the redesigning and re-engineering of its current townlands; whilst the townland expansion process is undertaken in parallel. The infill and densification process will release pockets of land through urban design and planning aiming at availing additional serviced land to accommodate 6 000 households inclusive of commercial land, the contract signed between the Lüderitz Town Council and Stubenrauch Planning Consultants in partnership with Mutua Scriba Architects on the 25th February 2025 to the tune of approximately Nine Million Six Hundred Thousand Namibian Dollars (N$ 9 600 000.00) will be inclusive of town planning, surveying and conveyancing. The contractors will donate 2.5 percent of the total contract value to a local Lüderitz based charity. The bulking up of the town will focus on redesigning existing properties to accommodate higher densities and the introduction of mix-use high-rise buildings, whilst the infill part will be to redesign open vacant land for occupation. The First Servant His Worship, the Mayor Hon. Cllr. Phillippus Balhao joined by Her Worship, the Deputy Mayor Hon. Cllr. Josephine Heita and Council Member Hon. Cllr. Johannes Abraham and the Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr. Otto Shipanga officiated at the contract signing. The community is encouraged to attend the Public Consultation scheduled for the 27th February 2025 at the Old Power Station Auditorium from 17h00-19h00, to render their inputs into the “new town”.

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